

Europass Language passport provides to describe your foreign language skills’ levels which are very important in training or working applications in Europe. With this document, you can evaluate your own language skills; understanding, speaking and writing seperately.

 he europass Language Passport was developed by the Council of Europe. It forms part of the European Language Portfolio.

 Europass Language Passport Example

 You can use the links below to use Europass Language Passport:

 Create your Language Passport online

After completing your Language Passport, you can download to your computer or send by e-mail.

 Download Language Passport template and instructions

(Empty template, instructions,examples in different languages and Eurpopass Cover Letter) 

You can use these documents while generating your Language Passport.

 Update your Language Passport online (XML)

If you already have a Language Passport, you can upload and update it. Your personal data will be automatically be uploaded to the system. Your informations will automatically be uploaded to the system. Please note that documents and data are not permanently stored on Europas servers so save your document before leaving the document.

 Ministry of Education European Language Portfolio

Council of European Language Portfolio


European Commision-Languages Portal


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Anasayfa Sertifika Ekleri europass EUROPASS LANGUAGE PASSPORT (2)